BSOA Harapkan BP Batam Tingkatkan Infrastruktur
Untuk lebih menunjang kegiatan investasi di Batam, sejumlah perusahaan shipyard yang tergabung dalam Batam Shipyard Offshore Association (BSOA) menginginkan agar Badan Pengusahaan (BP) Batam dapat membangun akses jalan menuju sejumlah perusahaan shipyard dan meningkatkan infrastruktur jalan. Hal itu disampaikan BSOA dalam pertemuan business gathering dengan BP Batam di Southlink Country Club Batam, Rabu (28/11).
Selain permasalahan infrastruktur, BSOA juga memberikan masukan terkait kepastian hukum, keamanan industri shipyard, keselamatan jalur pipa gas, keimigrasian dan sebagainya.
Five more deliveries from Drydocks World Batam shipyards
Southeast Asia Pte. Limited ("DDW-SEA"), the Southeast Asian subsidiary of Drydocks World, has delivered the vessels Endeavor, Greatship Ahalya, Mermaid Vision and Ark Dartmoor from its Drydocks World Nanindah yard and Armada Tuah 104 from its Pertama yard. Both yards are located in Batam, Indonesia.
Shipyard industry in Batam faces restrictions
The influx of relocated shipyard companies from Singapore to Batam, Riau Islands, over the last five years has been blamed for negative impacts both on the marine environment and public health.
Indonesia will curtail the shipyard industry in Batam for the sake of ensuring an environmental balance, according to Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya.